Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chance to Earn Immediate Gold


ATTN: MLM'ers and Affiliates Testing Laws of Abundance

If you're at the point where you already have a downline but you're not

sure how to motivate them, the link on the right-hand side of this blog

gives you a chance to test the laws of abundance directly.

In this place, you can earn GOLD by helping others.

You then give away some of your GOLD to anyone you wish.

Then, wait.

See what happens!

Here's an actual post I placed in the forum over at the "Learn Then Do"

, posted on the right-hand side of this blog.

Hey Fellow Affiliates,


Here's what happens when you give away your gold.

You get back exactly what you gave!

You can use GOLD EARNINGS to positively reinforce 'proper marketing habits'

with your team. I sent all my gold to one guy, as a way of saying

thank you for hanging in there during his challenging first 5 months.

3 members sent GOLD back!

I gave away 10 and got 9 back.

In my forum post, I added extra information to help others.

Here's what it said:

To share 4 phases of Internet Marketing with you --

1) You'll spend a lot of time figuring out who your target audience is.

This is fine and well worth the time. You don't want to find out that you've

put thousands of hours into a campaign, to find out that you don't have any

buyers. That said, this brings us to phase 1 or stage 1 in Internet Marketing.

STAGE 1: Niche Identification -- match what you love to do with what others need

2) You'll spend time streamlining your content so your message will consistently

speaking to the mindset of your audience. If you do this, from point A to point point C...and so on, this consistent message will ease conversions

(for those who opt-into your information by way of a newsletter, seeking

additional answers, hitting the pay button for your services or products). This

suggest brings us to phase 2 or stage 2 of Internet Marketing.

STAGE 2: Driving Traffic

3) Putting folks into your you can convert these visitors

into repeat customers.

STAGE 3: Getting Paid.

4) Moving all of those work efforts over to eventually creating your

own e-book or DVD series...,as a potential option but there are always

infinite possibilities.

STAGE 4: Moving Your Own Product (this is an advanced marketing goal, once you master the other 3 stages).

I will be offering a specific link which fills all of these needs in the coming

days ahead.

Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,


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