In today's post, I offer beginner information pertaining to both types of marketers. It doesn't matter what you're marketing online, but it matters how you proceed. This information is offered to help you avoid costly advertising mistakes. I will present one or two mistakes/day, depending on content.
The value of reading this post could very well save you time, effort and money.
The benefit of knowing what's key means the difference between success and failure.
Click this link -- you'll be glad you did.
Mistake #1: Using the Content Network at Google
When you start a campaign --
- always remember to turn the content network OFF!
- you don't want to get traffic from pages with Google Adsense appearing on them, as these pages are often filled with click fraud/irrelevant traffic
- if you are not an expert, you should not be using the content network
- avoid the content network with your campaigns unless you're intending to squeeze as much from your campaigns as you can.
Note: using the content network means a loss in profits for many people.
To turn the content network off, log into your Adwords account. If don't yet have one, it's free but be sure to check the following options this first and put everything on hold:
- click on your campaign (if you have one)
- click "Edit Campaign Settings"
- look to the right of the screen "uncheck" the box that says "Content Network"
- make sure to hit the "OFF" button
- you can leave "Google Search" and "Search Network" checked.
Click this link -- you'll be glad you did.
Mistake #2 - Too Many Keywords Per Ad Group
Here's the situation. When people start a campaign, they can obtain keyword lists online...but this can be hazardous if 1) the keyword list doesn't even match your sub-niche, 2) it's not targeted, 3) it's reaching out to tire kickers. If you don't know how proper keyword research should work, folks will try to cut/paste these lists in hopes of taking some quick shortcut, thinking they can then form an ad group (a brief group of words which form an ad), list it and then hope to make money. Well, in proper IM realms, this is abusive. Follow the rules with the major search engines and you won't get banned...or worse...suspended forever.
Keyword lists are common but their purpose is not to serve as a cut/paste guide. You have to look at the number of keywords per ad group, limiting your group to fewer than 20 keywords and 60 if using broad, phrase, and exact match types. If you're not sure what broad, phrase and exact match types are, it takes more study to know what you should do.
Internet Marketing requires some education first, before you head out there. There are free ways to do this, without getting into pay-per-click (ppc) realms.
Here's What's Key:
Having more than 20 keywords can --
- negatively affect what's called your Quality Score
- the more keywords you have, the less relevant they are to the ad
- DO NOT put more than 20 keywords in an ad group unless all keywords are very highly relevant (targeted)
- We suggest aiming between 5-20 keywords, ideally keeping them closer to the lower end of the scale.
Know what's involved BEFORE you head online so you're ahead of the pack.
To find out more (without losing your shorts):
Click this link -- you'll be glad you did.
In the coming days, I'll give you more sneek-peeks... so stay tuned!
Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,
B. Brinkmeyer
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