In my last post, I promised to mention specific tools helping you move forward online. It's all about exposing your messages to the masses, putting the numbers in your favor. I'll admit, when I first started, I didn't know where to begin so I started with basic recruiting.
Worry no more.
So I'll work to keep this information positive because in many industries, what's being taught isn't necessarily accurate. The reality governing online business has more to do with satisfying someone's need in the present moment. That's it. If you don't have what people are looking for, then they'll search elsewhere.
Whether you're operating an MLM or an affiliate business, there are specific steps you must follow online to ensure your campaign will work. That's it in a nutshell. Skip any steps and things won't work.
I've addressed several posts tackling this issue. It's not an easy answer. I'll ask you to think in logical terms. If you're moving online, what do you need most?
1) ad exposure...and 2) traffic..., and 3) something you're passionate about moving.
1) I you don't have a website -- that's okay.
2) If you can cut/paste content, you can reword content published under your name.
This step spares you the need to pay for pay-per-click advertising.
It's a popular step.
Go to ezine articles for more information on this topic.
Then..., consider you may not have all of the marketing pieces under your belt.
1) To need access to people who know what they're doing
2) You need solutions that are concrete
3) You need things that work 'at your fingertips now'..., without hassling yourself over
html codes, links and more technical jargon than you can possibly manage.
4) You need things that are already put together -- W.I.Z.Z.I.W.I.G.
Short for "What You See Is What You Get".
5) You need a template and a system which helps you puts your business together.
6) You need a lot of content targeting your audience closely.
7) You need a way to put numbers in your favor, increasing your odds of success.
If you're looking for access to several network marketers who are already expanding their businesses online, this is a busy place. Case in point, I connected to 2 people in 1 minute and they're both actively growing their MLM's.
To find out more, feel free to check it out by clicking on the blue line below:
Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means --
- Learn by interacting with online tools, guides, courses and with real people.
- See what others are doing.
- Connect daily -- without delay.
- You'll get responses within a matter of minutes or even a day.
- There are absolutely NO programs available that have what this place does.
- The guides, tutorials, tools, case studies, personal coaching, turnkey websites, and keywords lists make this very large forum unique and worth thousands of dollars to many members.
- It's been a 'God-send' for me but you must actively use the resource to make it anything else.
- Just continue digesting what I'm sharing.
- You don't have to buy every barfingle or nozzle someone offers you.
- This is about finding out what you want.
- I'm here for the long-run.
- Time is on your side.
- Research.
- Become aware.
- Pick and choose what's right for you.
Click below on blue line below to find out more:
Supporting Your Success Using Proven Means,
B. Brinkmeyer